The University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté: a wide range of courses and scientific excellence
L’Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) est une communauté d’universités et d’établissements qui The University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) is a community of faculties and institutions with over 60,000 students and 8,000 staff. At the heart of Europe and mid-way between the major cities of Paris, Lyon and Strasbourg, UBFC is based in Besançon.

Besançon, a campus city
3 themed campuses
La Bouloie campus
Situated 10 minutes north-west of the city centre, the La Bouloie campus is the largest in Besançon. A modern campus in a wooded setting, it is home to 3 faculties, a University Institute of Technology (IUT), a number of internationally renowned laboratories as well as student residences and cafeterias. A €34.5m investment programme will be completed in 2023.
City centre campus
Situated right in the city centre, this campus occupies some exceptional heritage sites (Place de la Révolution, Arsenal, Mégevand sector and City sector). It offers all the advantages of city centre living as well as specific student services (halls of residence, university cafeterias and cafés). This is the site of the Faculty of Language, Human and Social Sciences, the Centre for Applied Linguistics, and the main related research centres. The city centre campus will benefit in the years to come from a major project to renovate and convert the old Saint-Jacques hospital into a “centre for knowledge and innovation” (Cité des Savoirs et de l’Innovation) and from the opening of a large new library combining the university libraries and a public library.
Les Hauts-du-Chazal campus
To the north-west of Besançon, accessible by tram, the Les Hauts-Du-Chazal campus is home to the Health Faculty and a number of state-of-the-art laboratories. Clustered around the regional university hospital (CHUR), the Établissement Français du Sang (French blood transfusion agency) and the University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, TEMIS Santé is an innovation park specially designed for companies and laboratories in the healthcare, biomedical, biotechnology, medical and surgical equipment and e-health sectors.
A breeding ground for talent
- 30,000 students
- 5,000 trainees at the CLA (French language institute)
- 1,200 lecturers and lecturer-researchers, 702 PhD students and 26 certified research units in 3 main areas: Environmental and Health Sciences; Human and Social Sciences; Engineering and Fundamental Sciences
- 36 general bachelor’s degrees and 27 vocational bachelor’s degrees
- 26 master’s degrees, 66 special subjects
- 27 PhDs
- 18 university technology diplomas (DUTs)
- 4 university science and technology diplomas (DEUSTs)
- 17 courses at the CFA-Sup Franche-Comté advanced apprenticeship centre
- 76% of lecturer-researchers ranked A and A+ **Results of AERES survey 2011
- 27 research units recognised by the Ministry in charge of research, including 8 certified by major research bodies: CNRS, CEA, INSERM and INRA
- 3 main disciplinary fields: Life Sciences, Fundamental Sciences and Technologies, Humanities
Higher education and research
- A multi-disciplinary university (University of Franche-Comté, offering 360 courses in all subjects, from bachelor’s to PhD level, as well as engineering and technology studies) with 5 Training and Research Units (UFRs), a public administration institute preparing students for civil service exams (IPAG), a primary and secondary teacher training college (ESPE), a university distance learning centre (CTU), a continuing education centre (CFC), an Open University and an applied linguistics centre teaching French as a foreign language (CLA).
Higher education institutions:

- 2 engineering schools (ENSMM and ISIFC-UFC, one of the few institutes offering training at the interface between the scientific and medical fields), the Institute of Industrial Engineering Technologies of Franche-Comté (ITII/ENSMM) which trains engineers through an apprenticeship scheme, a business school (IMEA), a Higher Institute of Fine Arts (ISBA), 9 high schools offering post-baccalaureate courses (vocational BTS diplomas and classes preparing for the Grande École entrance exams), a University Institute of Technology (IUT) offering courses designed in close collaboration with the world of work.
- A school of nursing (IFSI), a regional social work institute (IRTS), a physiotherapy school, a speech therapy school, a midwifery school, the regional Red Cross health and social work training institute.
The UFC and ENSMM are members of the Community of Universities and Institutions (COMUE) of the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC), which was created in April 2015 and encompasses 12 sites with 56,000 students.
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ENSMM, École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques
The ENSMM is a unique engineering school specialising in mechanical engineering, mechatronics and microtechnologies.
In a few figures:
- A large national higher engineering school, with almost 900 students (the second largest in terms of student numbers).
- 245 graduates per year
- 160 lecturers, lecturer-researchers, part-time teachers from the corporate world, engineers, technicians and administrative staff
- 500 researchers and associated staff, including 180 PhD students
- 500 students complete placements in France and abroad every year
A comprehensive training offer
Le Centre de Formation des Apprentis de l’Industrie : adéquation avec le tissu depuis plus de 35 ans, le CFAI The Industrial Apprentice Training Centre (CFAI Franche-Comté) has developed close ties with local industry over the last 35 years. It provides training in industrial trades and is attentive to the needs of young people and companies.
In a few figures :
- 6 training centres: Exincourt (25), Belfort (90), Vesoul (70), Besançon (25), Dole (39), Gevingey (39)
- 900 apprentices trained every year and awarded diplomas accredited by the Ministry of Education
- An apprenticeship offering that meets companies’ expectations in terms of both training level and the trades covered
- a pool of over 600 partner firms to which we can propose candidates
- The CFAI Franche-Comté belongs to a national network of 51 centres, all affiliated with the UIMM (French Union of Metalworking Industries and Trades)
ECM, École de Commerce et de Management The ECM is a business and management school that provides sandwich courses in a partnership with the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) for students who have completed 2 years’ higher education. The ECM also provides courses for company executives, middle managers and staff wishing to perfect their professional skills through continuing education courses (leading to qualifications). | IMEA, (Institut de Management Européen des Affaires) A management school offering specialist courses in commerce and distribution, executive secretarial skills, sales, international business, marketing and management. |
ISBA, The ISBA is one of 56 Higher Institutes of Fine Art accredited to offer courses leading to the award of state diplomas. The ISBA welcomes 250 students every year to study both art and visual communications. | ESTM (école Supérieure du Tertiaire et ses Métiers) A school providing 2-year higher education courses (Level I) in the tertiary services field (initial training, sandwich courses). |
Pigier Performance offers courses from baccalaureate level to 3-year post-baccalaureate certificate level in management and commerce, communication and human resources, management and accounting, courses for secretaries and personal assistants, and in paramedical and social work. | ECDE (Ecole des Cadres et Dirigeants pour Entreprendre) Sandwich courses at bachelor’s and master’s level for project, business unit, marketing, communication and e-business managers, etc. |